Ignacia Cristina Tzoy Morente
Ref# PA1555

About Me
My name is Ignacia Cristina Tzoy Morente. I'm a 14-year-old.

My birthday is
July 29, 2010.
Attends Program


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Sponsorship Type


My Story

I greet you fondly, hoping you are having a fantastic day. My name is Ignacia, and I want to share my last news with you. My family and I attend the Catholic Church on Mondays. We are sure the Lord is our savior. Let me tell you that my stepfather, Camilo Tzoy, is 42 years old. He lives and works in the United States to support our family economically. We do not know how he makes a living, but he is often in touch with us. My mother, Tomasa Morente, is 42 years old. She is a very busy housewife who embroiders napkins to cover other needs at home. We raise hens and pigs that occasionally sell. We also grow a little corn for our consumption, but it does not last the whole year. About health, I want you to know that I have hearing and speech problems. Therefore, I do not attend school. But despite that, I am glad because my health condition is as good and so is rest of my family.

I turned thirteen years old in July. Unfortunately, my family could not celebrate my birthday because of a lack of money. Nowadays, I use my free time to help my mother to washing the clothes and dishes. My favorite holiday is the fair in my town; my family and I enjoy it a lot. I love drinking mosh (it is a typical hot beverage made of oatmeal, sugar, and cinnamon). This is all about my life for now. There are many sports, but my favorite is soccer. Before ending this letter, I want you to know a little about LW. It has been an important project in our community because it helps us with food and medicine. A teacher of the evangelism team spoke with my mother to collect this information for you. I say goodbye to you for now, but I hope to hear from you soon

Sincerely yours,

Ignacia Cristina Tzoy Morente

Translated by: Hillary Popol / AAC Secretary / Antigua Guatemala