Henry Daniel Hernandez Morente
Ref# PA1569

About Me
My name is Henry Daniel Hernandez Morente. I'm a 15-year-old.

My birthday is
March 6, 2010.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! I feel excited to update you about my life. I hope you are doing fine in your country. My name is Henry Daniel Hernandez Morente. I turned 14 years old this year. I studied 7th grade at school in the afternoons. I usually help with the duties at home on weekends, and one of my main activities is gathering firewood in the ravine. I feel so blessed to be part of Living Water because they have blessed not only my family but me too. Food mainly has been a great blessing for me. My favorite meal from the program is friend chicken. Thankfully, I enjoy good health.  

About my family, well I live with my parents. My father Jesus struggles to support us by farming the land and working as a day laborer. However, I would like to ask your prayers for him because he suffers from Gastritis. Fortunately, he has visited the doctor and is under treatment. My mother Estela stays at home doing the hard housework and taking care of us. She helps my family economically by raising chickens and pigs for sale. Moreover, my family grows corn for our consumption. Thank God, her health is good. I am always excited for Christmas activities, and I feel happy and blessed every time I receive my gift. As a family, we do not attend any church now. Nevertheless, we are grateful to the LW team that encourages us to be part of a church. I want to take this opportunity to ask your prayers for our family´s health. Lastly, before saying goodbye, I want you to know that my mother gave all this information to you. Thank you for your interest in knowing more about me. May God richly bless you! 

Lots of love and kisses, 

Henry Daniel Hernandez Morente 

Translated by: Mireya de Sandoval, AAC Secretary / Antigua