Dany Eliseo Ruiz De La Cruz
Ref# PA1666

About Me
My name is Dany Eliseo Ruiz De La Cruz. I'm a 14-year-old.

My birthday is
January 9, 2011.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! I am Dany Eliseo, and I hope you are doing well wherever you are. This time, I want to start my letter by asking for your prayers for my father’s life since he is having alcoholic problems, and there are times that he does not contribute with the home expenses. He mostly goes to work in the coffee plantations at the coast. My mother works as a day laborer in our community, and she does her best to cover our needs. We grow corn for our consumption, and also raise hens and ducks for selling. As a family, we attend King of the Centuries Church, except for my father so please pray for him and his addiction.  

I am 13 years old, and I am in 6th grade this year; I am studying in the morning. I do my homework on weekends. I am grateful for the lunches and medicine received through Living Water Ministries. I love Chow Mein at the feeding program. There, one of my favorite activities is Christmas because I receive a present and candies. I tell you that my mom and I gave the information to the Evangelism team, and I hope my letter reaches you in the right time. May God bless you! 

Sincerely yours 

Dany Eliseo Ruiz De La Cruz 

Translated by: Loyda de Osorio, AAC Secretary-Antigua