Elmer Guadalupe Tzoy Garcia
Ref# TU2695

About Me
My name is Elmer Guadalupe Tzoy Garcia. I'm a 13-year-old.

My birthday is
January 26, 2012.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello, I am delighted to greet you in this opportunity and I hope our Lord takes care of you!

My name is Elmer Guadalupe Tzoy Garcia. I am 12 years old. At school, I am in 6th grade and I take my classes on the morning shift. In the afternoon, I usually go to work alongside my grandpa, we also go to work on weekends. My mother is a single parent and struggles to supply our needs; she does the housework, raises hens and weaves typical items to sell and get income. Additionally, she works tending a grocery store that belongs to one of my uncles; she receives a payment for it.

What I love at Christmas is the special activity that Living Water prepare in the feeding program, the special food and the decorations make it very nice. I am very thankful for the food and dental care I have received through the feeding program; it is very helpful for me.  The food I love the most is fried chicken. I admire the job that the evangelism team do and I would like to join them one day. We attend Catholic Church and we accepted Jesus into our hearts. My mother always prays for me and asks for protection and I will never fall an alcohol vice. Let me tell you that my mother gave this information to the LW staff to share news about me. Take care. Many and abundant blessings over you!

Kind regards,

Elmer Guadalupe Tzoy Garcia

Translated by: Violeta Hernandez / A-A-C Secretary-Antigua Guatemala