Marvin Leonel Garcia Hernandez
Ref# DU1983

About Me
My name is Marvin Leonel Garcia Hernandez. I'm a 16-year-old.

My birthday is
February 25, 2009.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

I lovingly greet you, hoping you are having a fantastic day wherever you are. My full name is Marvin Leonel Garcia Hernandez, and I want to share a little about my life with you. Fortunately, I am in good health. I am 15 years old and attend school. I am in seventh grade and have classes from 18:00 to 22:00 hrs. I have fun playing soccer with my friends on weekends. Being part of LW-Adopt a Child has blessed me so much. I can receive delicious food and medicines for free. I love eating beef stew and rice the most at the feeding program. I like celebrating Christmas at LW because of the gifts and delicious food.

Let me tell you that my mom still lives and works in the United States. I ask you to pray for her because she is the one who supports the expenses and needs of our family. She is healthy and works as a waitress. Thankfully, she is in touch with my grandmother and me. My grandmother is a housewife. Fortunately, she is in good health. She raises fifteen hens for our consumption. We have three dogs as pets at home. My grandma and I attend the Catholic Church in our town. We are grateful to a teacher of the LW evangelism team for sharing the gospel with us. He encouraged us to continue attending our Church and accept the Lord in our hearts. I will leave you now, but I hope you liked reading my letter.

Sincerely yours,

Marvin Leonel Garcia Hernandez

Translated by: Hillary Popol, AAC Secretary / Antigua Guatemala