Jhonathan Mendez Luis
Ref# CA1632

About Me
My name is Jhonathan Mendez Luis. I'm a 11-year-old.

My birthday is
May 26, 2013.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

It is a wonderful day to say hello to you hoping our Lord is taking care of you! My name is Jhonathan Mendez Luis. I am an 11-year-old boy. This year, I am repeating 1st grade again and I receive my classes on the morning shift. I usually help my mother with some work and then, I enjoy playing. My mother does the chores at home,, and she also raises hens and sheep to sell and help herself economically. Moreover, we cultivate corn for our livelihood. Thankfully, my mother´s brother, Salvador Luis Ruiz is helping us with some money. He lives and works in the United States; he works in a poultry farm and sends us monthly support. Unfortunately, my father is not in my life because he abandoned us several years ago.

I enjoy the Christmas activity; I like the choreography the evangelism team prepares. I thank God for blessing me with food and medical care through Living Water; it means a great help for me and my mother. The food I love the most is fried chicken. My family and I attend the Prince of Peace Church; my mother has welcomed Jesus into her heart. I want you to pray for the well-being of my whole family and me. This time a member of LW came to visit us and my mother gave this information to update you about me. I send much love. Many and rich blessings over you!

Best wishes,

Jhonathan Mendez Luis

Translated by: Violeta Hernandez / A-A-C Secretary-Antigua Guatemala