It is my pleasure to greet you through this hoping you are receiving many blessings from God! This is Oscar Alfredo Gomez Ajqui. I am an 11-year-old boy. I am attending 3rd grade at school and I am receiving my classes on the morning shift. Playing football is my hobby. My mother works embroidering and raising domestic animals and selling herbs in the market. She struggles to get income and supply the home expenses. My father makes a living as a farmer and grows herbs to sell. Unfortunately, he drinks alcohol and spends the money on his vice. We grow corn for our food.
We attend Church of Christ, and my mother accepted Jesus into her heart some time ago. This time the evangelism teacher encouraged us to continue trusting in God; we appreciate the kind words. We all are fine, but I want to ask for your prayers for my family´s health and our well-being. I am so grateful to you and Living Water for all the support I receive with the food and medical care in the clinics. I am also grateful for the Christmas gift I receive every year. My favorite meals are fried chicken and broth; those are my favorites foods from the program. To end my letter, let me tell you that my mother gave this information to the LW team to update you about me. Sending much love and hoping to receive news from you very soon. Every kind of blessing over you!
Lots of love,
Oscar Alfredo Gomez Ajqui
Translated by: Violeta Hernandez / A-A-C Secretary-Antigua Guatemala