Nueva Esperanza
Hello, it is my pleasure to share my information through this and I trust in God you are doing well! My name is Isis Yaynali Toj Sierra. I am 14 years old. I am in 8th grade and I receive classes at school in the morning shift. I like to go out to the field to play with my friends, and we go on weekends. I love eating rice with black beans. My mother is now working in a second-hand clothes store and is an advisor there. Fortunately, she is supplying the home expenses with her wage. My brother and I stay under my great aunt´s care while my mother goes to work; she is Maria Veronica Aguilar. My father is no longer supporting us because he had personal problems with my mother, and now, we do not know anything about him. We are fine at home, nevertheless, I would like you to pray for my studies and my mother´s job since she is the one who supports our family.
Being part of the feeding program has blessed my life. I receive support so I pray to God to bless everyone who contributed through Living Water. I appreciate the bible teaching and the food they provide for me. I like the job that the evangelism team does and someday I would like to join the team, serve and be happy surrounded by many children. We are attending Catholic Church; my mother accepted Jesus into her heart some time ago. We appreciate the words of God that the evangelism teacher shared with us, and we feel the love we receive through the program. Let me tell you that my aunt gave this information to the LW team to update you about me. I hope you enjoy letter. May God bless you!
Kind regards,
Isis Yaynali Toj Sierra
Translated by: Violeta Hernandez / A-A-C Secretary-Antigua Guatemala