Jimena Ruiz Garcia
Ref# TU2849

About Me
My name is Jimena Ruiz Garcia. I'm a 13-year-old.

My birthday is
February 22, 2012.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

I am glad to share my information through this and I pray our Lord is taking care of you! My name is Jimena Ruiz Garcia and I am 12 years old. I was in 6th grade in 2024 and my classes were at school in the morning. I enjoyed doing my homework. By the grace of God, my whole family and I are in good health. However, I want you to pray for us so we continue doing well. My mother is a single parent and does her best to provide for our home needs. She does the chores and weaves typical items to sell. Moreover, my grandparents help us; my grandpa is a farmer and my grandma is a weaver. My family grows corn and black beans for our livelihood.

Let me tell you that Living Water staff prepares a special activity at Christmas in the feeding program and I enjoy it a lot. I am so blessed to be part of the program. The food is a big help for me and my favorite meal is fried chicken. We are members of the God's Church; my mom is thinking to accept Jesus as her savior. This time my mom shared this information with an evangelism teacher, and I hope you find it interesting. I say goodbye to you for now. Every kind of blessing over you!

Lots of love,

Jimena Ruiz Garcia

Translated by: Violeta Hernandez / A-A-C Secretary-Antigua Guatemala