Wilson Adolfo Itzep Gomez
Ref# CH4207

About Me
My name is Wilson Adolfo Itzep Gomez. I'm a 12-year-old.

My birthday is
January 4, 2013.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

My full name is Wilson Adolfo Itzep Gomez and I am excited to share my 2024 news with you. I am 11 years old and my favorite pastime is playing with my cousins. They live near my house. I was in fifth grade this year. I am on vacation now, so I help my mom with the household chores. Fortunately, we are healthy. My mom strives to afford all that I need with her salary. She is a single mother. She works as a domestic employee in our village. When she goes to work, I stay home under the care of my aunt Juana. We raise hens and grow corn for our consumption. We occasionally sell our hens to earn an extra income. As for our spiritual life, let me tell you that we have attended the Catholic Church for many years.

My mom and I are grateful to LW-Adopt A Child for blessing us with food, medicine, and other benefits. We also receive spiritual support. For instance, a teacher of the evangelism team shared the gospel with my aunt and me recently. It was a great blessing that helped my mom to be assured of her salvation. At the feeding program, my favorite dish is fried chicken. I like celebrating Christmas there because the staff and missionaries give me a nice Christmas gift. To end this letter, I beg you to pray for the well-being of our family. In advance, thank you so much!


Kind regards, 

Wilson Adolfo Itzep Gomez


Translated by: Hillary Popol, AAC Secretary / Antigua Guatemala