Abner Jediael Alduani Sul Santos
Ref# DU2165

About Me
My name is Abner Jediael Alduani Sul Santos. I'm a 17-year-old.

My birthday is
February 5, 2008.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

It is a wonderful day to say hello to you hoping our Lord is taking care of you! My name is Abner Jediael Alduani Sul Santos. I am already 16 years old. I am in 9th grade and I take my classes in the morning shift. Let me tell you I spend my weekends swimming, and I enjoy it. My mother usually does the housework and takes care of the family. My father continues working in the maintenance area for Nestle Company, and thanks to God, he sustains us economically. We have two dogs and five cats.

The Christmas activity that Living Water organizes in the feeding program is very special and I enjoy the music and the gift that I receive at the end. I am very thankful for all the support I receive through the program with food and medical care; it means a great help for my family. I love eating noodles with sauce and meat that I receive in the program. We do not attend any church; this time an evangelism teacher invited us to look for a church and seek God. We appreciate the advice. I want you to pray for the well-being of my family. For now, that is all. May God bless you wherever you go!

Kind regards,

Abner Jediael Alduani Sul Santos

Translated by: Violeta Hernandez / A-A-C Secretary-Antigua Guatemala