Rony Venegas Martinez
Ref# NE2479

About Me
My name is Rony Venegas Martinez. I'm a 12-year-old.

My birthday is
December 27, 2012.
Attends Program

Nueva Esperanza

Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

I greet you cordially in this beautiful day and I hope you are doing well.  Let me tell you a little about my family and me through this letter. I am Rony Vanegas Martinez and I am 11 years old. I am a healthy boy. I am in 5th grade at school this year and I go to study in the afternoon. I like to spend my weekends sharing time with my adopted father. My favorite meal is stewed chicken.  I want to let you know that LW has blessed my family and my life through the spiritual support and medical clinics. I enjoyed the bible dramatizations during the Christmas celebration in the Feeding Center. My family is grateful for every blessing that I receive from the Ministry.

My adopted mother`s name is Ana Maria Gonzalez. She lives with us and she is in good health. She accepted Jesus in her heart 15 years ago. She does chores at home and takes care of us. My adopted father`s name is Juan Garcia. He lives with us. Currently, he suffers from high blood pressure and diabetes. Fortunately, he visited the doctor and he is taking a medicine called Metformin and Losartan.  As you know, he continues working as a carpenter and he supports the family financially. I want to let you know that thankfully the judge gave my adopted parents total custody of my brother and me because we have lived with them since we were younger and they have taken care of us always. I ask for your prayers for provision and health over my family. We are members of Tree of Justice Church 2 years ago. The LW teacher shared the gospel with my adopted mother during the visit and we thank him for the encouraging words to my family. I hope you like this letter and may God bless you! (My adopted mother provided this information to the Evangelism Teacher)

Kisses and hugs,

Rony Vanegas Martinez

Translated by:  Gladys Chavez/ A-A-C Secretary