Nueva Esperanza
I greet you in this beautiful day and I trust in God you are doing great! This is Estrella Lisset Carrera Aguilar. My current age is 14 years old. At school I am in 8th grade and my classes are on the morning shift. I spend my weekend helping with the cleaning of the house and then, I like to draw. I love the meals that my mother cooks and my favorite food is noodles with sauce and meat. My mother works in a tortilla shop that belongs to one of my mother's aunts; in this way, she can supply our needs. My father is a school bus driver; he does live with us, and he usually takes my brother with him on weekends. Our pet is a dog.
I want to tell you that my mother got sick and she was taken to the emergency room at the hospital due to abundant bleeding she had from her womb. After the assessment, the doctors found that my mother has fibroids and is in need of surgery to remove them. Unfortunately, the public services are always full and now she has to wait for a space which can take about 3 months to have the surgery. For now, she is taking some medicines against the pain that she feels. My brother has disability in his legs, and I want to tell you that my brother has received his wheelchair and walker thanks to the help of kind and generous people. We are sure our almighty God will reward each one who has helped us. As for me, let me tell you I am moving forward little by little after the rape I suffered last year. The physiological assistance has helped me and with God´s mercy, I have received the right support. My mother has been so patient and a great support for me through this time.
We are members of the Abundant Wheat Christian Church; my mother has welcomed Jesus into her heart. I want to ask for your prayers for my family so we never lack provision at home. I am so grateful for all the support I receive through Living Water; the medical and dental care are a great blessing for me. I would like to join the LW team because I want to help people who are in need. To end my letter, let me tell you that my mother gave this information to the LW team to update you about me. Hoping to receive news from you very soon. Every kind of blessing!
Bunch of hugs,
Estrella Lisset Carrera Aguilar
Translated by: Violeta Hernandez / A-A-C Secretary-Antigua Guatemala