Boralda Xhajollari
Ref# UMD0027

About Me
My name is Boralda Xhajollari. I'm a 18-year-old.

My birthday is
October 5, 2006.
Attends Program

Upper Mokra

Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! My name is Boralda Xhajollari. I am 18 years old and my birthday is on October 5th.  I am doing well and enjoy good health. My favorite color is red and when I grow up I hope to become a nurse. I like to stay close to the people who are sick and help them to recover. I like to get together with my friends to chat, have short walks, or play for a while. Usually when we all gather to play we choose volleyball. I also like to help my mother while she cooks or cleans our home.

My family and I live in Dunica. My father’s name is Jetnor and my mother’s name is Albana. I have a brother and a sister. My family owns land in the village and my parents planted wheat, corn and vegetables. Working in the land they have provided food for my family. The lands are on the mountain and they don’t produce much food therefore we could not produce enough flour for my family to have bread. My mother makes the bread at home so we don’t buy it in the shop. In autumn my mother preserves in a few jars tomatoes and peppers so that we can consume them during winter. Around our land and garden we have a few fruits trees as whole nuts, plums, apples and pears and my mother has already filled a few vases with compost and jam out of these fruits. I attend the program that has started in Dunica. We have Bible classes and I enjoy learning from the Bible as well as singing and praying to the Lord Jesus. After every meeting we spend a time to play outside and have fellowship with our friends who frequent. We are  receiving a food package which has contains sugar, oil, rice, flour, etc. Same as all the people who live in Dunica, my family and I live in poverty and we are thankful to the Adopt a Child sponsorship program for their help and support to us. God bless you!

Edited by Carrie Gipson

Missionary, Adopt a Child Albania