Kimberly Fabiola Garcia Ajqui
Ref# ZA4591

About Me
My name is Kimberly Fabiola Garcia Ajqui. I'm a 10-year-old.

My birthday is
April 18, 2014.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! Through this letter, I send you all my love and good wishes. I am Kimberly Fabiola Garcia Ajqui, your friend. I am 10 years old. I attend school as a third-grade student in the morning. I usually rest and play alongside my siblings on weekends. As for health, let me tell you that I suffer from a severe pain in my left shoulder. It is because I fell from a tree three years ago. My parents did not rush me to a doctor because of a lack of economic resources. Thankfully, I have the blessing to attend the LW clinics, so I hope my mom takes me there soon. I am grateful to LW for blessing me with many benefits, like the annual Christmas gift. The LW cooks prepare delicious food at the feeding program. My favorite food is fried chicken.

By the grace of God, my whole family is in good health. My father works in the construction area to cover our needs and expenses. He does his best, but it is sometimes difficult because everything goes up in price every day. Therefore, I ask you to pray for him. I also would like to count on your prayers for my oldest sister Liliana. Her dream is to continue studying and become a professional. My mother is a housewife. Besides looking after my siblings and me, she raises hens for our consumption. I attend Full Gospel Church alongside my parents and siblings. Fortunately, my parents accepted Jesus as their Savior many years ago. I want you to know that a teacher of the LW evangelism team encouraged my mom to continue trusting in her salvation. It was a great blessing for her. To end this letter, let me tell you that my family thanks you so much for loving and supporting me through LW-Adopt a Child. See you later!

With many blessings,

Kimberly Fabiola Garcia Ajqui

Translated by: Hillary Popol, AAC Secretary / Antigua Guatemal