Edrickson Orlando Suar Chingo
Ref# TU2907

About Me
My name is Edrickson Orlando Suar Chingo. I'm a 9-year-old.

My birthday is
March 12, 2016.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! This is a wonderful day to greet you wishing many successes in your daily activities.  I hope you enjoy reading my updated 2024 information because it is specially for you with all my love 

About my family: I want to tell you that as a family, we are not attending any church. The LW teacher shared the gospel with my mother during the visit and she is grateful for the advice. My mother`s name is Marcela Chingo Chingo. She is a housewife. In addition, she continues raising hens to sell and get some income. She is a healthy woman. My father`s name is Oscar Suar. He lives with the family and he is a healthy man. He earns a living by working as a mason. We buy the corn because we do not have a piece of land to sow crops.  I would like to ask for your prayers for health and provision for my family. 

About me: I am Edrickson Orlando Suar Chingo and I am 8 years old. I am a healthy boyI studied the 2nd grade at school this year and I attended in the mornings. After that, I helped my mother with chores at home. I spend my weekend playing soccer and with toy cars. LW Ministries has blessed my family and my life through the delicious meals for lunch like the fried chicken that I love eating there. Moreover, I have been blessed with medicine in the medical clinic. I enjoyed receiving the special gifts during the Christmas celebration at the Feeding Center in December. May God bless you greatly! (My mother provided this information to the Evangelism teacher) 

Warm wishes, 

Edrickson Orlando Suar Chingo 

Translated by:  Gladys Chavez/ A-A-C Secretary