Heitan Andrew Arriola Santiago
Ref# NE2594

About Me
My name is Heitan Andrew Arriola Santiago. I'm a 8-year-old.

My birthday is
April 8, 2016.
Attends Program

Nueva Esperanza

Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

It is a great pleasure for me to greet you through this means. I am Heitan, and I want to share a little about me. I am happy because the school year has ended. I was studying in the morning, and I attended 2nd grade. I now stay at home, and I like riding my bicycle. I am grateful to LW Ministries because I have been blessed with groceries for free. I love the feeding program’s lunches, and my favorite one is chicken stew. The Christmas celebration is close, and I enjoy it, especially when people like you receive us with a huge hug in this activity.

I want to ask for your prayers for my family provision and my mother’s life. She is worried because she is unemployed at the moment and cannot help my father with the income. He is working as a hydraulic technician, and he is doing his best to cover our needs. We stopped attending church since we were discouraged. But we are grateful to LW Evangelism team because they prayed for us and encouraged us to continue trusting in God; we feel better now. I tell you that my mother helped me to give my information to the team, and I hope you find it interesting. May God bless you!

Kisses and hugs

Heitan Andrew Arriola Santiago

Translated by: Loyda de Osorio, AAC Secretary-Antigua