Alex Ronaldo Hernandez Chivalan
Ref# PT0073

About Me
My name is Alex Ronaldo Hernandez Chivalan. I'm a 11-year-old.

My birthday is
January 3, 2014.
Attends Program

Pasojoc III

Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! How are you? My full name is Alex Ronaldo Hernandez Chivalan, and I am excited to tell you my news through this letter. I am a healthy 10-year-old boy. I love playing soccer with my brothers on weekends. Nowadays, I attend school as a fourth-grade student in the morning. I live with my parents and two brothers. My father usually travels to the coast three times a year. He cuts sugar cane to support our family economically. Fortunately, he is healthy. My mom, on the other hand, keeps busy at home by doing the chores and raising domestic animals. She raises hens and pigs to sell in case of need. She is in good health too. We do not attend any church at the moment. Therefore, I ask you to pray for us so we can do it soon. We are grateful to a teacher from the LW evangelism team for sharing the gospel with us as an encouragement to seek God.

I am glad because I can have delicious food for free at the feeding program. My brothers and I love eating fried chicken the most. I would love to help other children as a volunteer at LW. Last year, I enjoyed receiving a Christmas gift and a special lunch at the feeding program. That was a great blessing for me. To end this letter, I want you to know that my mom helped me to write this letter for you. May God bless you richly!

Many kisses and hugs,

Alex Ronaldo Hernandez Chivalan

Translated by: Hillary Popol, AAC Secretary / Antigua Guatemala