Joselyn Pastor Gonzalez
Ref# TU2968

About Me
My name is Joselyn Pastor Gonzalez. I'm a 11-year-old.

My birthday is
January 6, 2014.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! This is Joselyn Pastor Gonzalez, and I write this letter to tell you how I am. I turned 10 in January, and I am fine. Thankfully, I am doing a good job at school, and I am in 3rd grade this year; I study in the mornings. I help my mother with the household chores on weekends. I have been blessed with the lunches at the feeding program, and there, my favorite dish is fried chicken. Christmas celebration is one of my favorite activities at the program because we praise the Lord and there are many games.

I live with my parents who are in good health. My father covers our needs working as a farmer. My mother spends her time at home doing all the chores. We raise hens and grow corn for our consumption. We are a family who believes in God, and now, we are attending the Catholic Church. LW Evangelism team has encouraged us to continue seeking God, and we are grateful for their words. I tell you that my mother helped me to give this information to an Evangelism teacher, and she took advantage of this to ask for prayers for the family so that we are always fine. I end my letter wishing you the best.

In Jesus name

Joselyn Pastor Gonzalez

Translated by: Loyda de Osorio, AAC Secretary/Antigua