Josue David Alquijay Tiul
Ref# JT2641

About Me
My name is Josue David Alquijay Tiul. I'm a 11-year-old.

My birthday is
March 10, 2014.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello, it is a pleasure to greet you in the name of Jesus hoping you are fine! this is Josue David Alquijay Tiul. I am 10 years old. I attend 4th grade; my classes are in the morning shift. I like to spend my weekends by drawing, watching TV and listening to music. My father is working to make metal doors; he is supplying the family´s needs. My mother stays busy with the housework and takes care of the family. Thank God, we are fine. Our pets are two cats and nine parakeets.

I am so blessed to be part of the feeding program. I receive tasty meals as well as medical and dental care; my parents appreciate the support which is so helpful for them. The Christmas activity is very special, and I also enjoy the food they give us. From the feeding program, the meal I love the most is noodles with sauce and meat because it is delicious. I like to attend the program; they are so friendly and when I grow up, I would like to be part of the team. We attend a Christian Church; my parents, brother and I have welcomed Jesus into our hearts. The evangelism team encouraged us to continue seeking God. As a family, we ask for your prayers so we can have resources to supply our home needs; we trust in God´s providence. To end, let me tell you that my mother gave this information to the LW team to update you. This is all for now and I hope to receive news from you very soon. Many and abundant blessings over you!

Hugs with much love,

Josue David Alquijay Tiul

Translated by: Violeta Hernandez / A-A-C Secretary-Antigua Guatemala