Hello! I am so happy to share my news with you through this letter. I am Ilaria Gricelda de Leon Garcia, and I hope you find my information engaging. Fortunately, I am a healthy 8-year-old girl. I want to use this opportunity to express my gratitude to LW-Adopt A Child and you for blessing me with food and the annual Christmas gift. I feel a lot of excitement when the staff prepares hamburger patties for lunch. May the Lord reward all of you richly! As for school, I want you to know that I am in second grade. I attend school on the morning shift. On weekends, I have a lot of fun shepherding my goats alongside my mom and siblings. We raise goats and hens to earn an income from the sale.
Thankfully, my whole family is doing great. My father traveled to the United States recently. We are glad because he has a job in a place where they recycle wheels. He sends us money monthly and phones us almost daily. My family and I have been members of the Catholic Church in our village. My mom is sure about her salvation. A teacher of the LW evangelism team congratulated her for having welcomed Jesus into her heart. To end this letter, I want you to know the teacher took advantage of collecting all this information with my mom’s help so you could hear from me. See you later!
Kisses and hugs,
Ilaria Gricelda de Leon Garcia
Translated by: Hillary Popol, AAC Secretary / Antigua