Luis Felipe de la Cruz Jimon
Ref# PT0141

About Me
My name is Luis Felipe de la Cruz Jimon. I'm a 13-year-old.

My birthday is
February 19, 2012.
Attends Program

Pasojoc III

Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! How are you? I hope you are having a blessed time. This is Luis Felipe, and I am writing this letter to tell you how I am. I turned 12 this year, and I am well. I am in 5th grade now, and I am attending school in the morning. I do some chores on weekends. I have been blessed with lunches at the feeding program, and there, my favorite dish is fried chicken. The Christmas celebration is one of my favorite activities at the program, especially for the present received.  

I live with my parents who are in good health and work hard to cover our needs. My dad works as a day laborer and also makes trips for others with his pick-upMy mom does the household chores and goes out to shepherd our sheep. We grow corn and black beans for our consumption, and we raise hens and sheep for selling. We attend Christian Life Church, and my mother has the privilege to sing praises during the services. I tell you that my mom helped me to give this information to an Evangelism teacher, and she takes advantage to ask for prayers for the whole family. I end my letter wishing you the best.  

Sincerely yours 

Luis Felipe de la Cruz Jimon 

Translated by: Loyda de Osorio, AAC Secretary/Antigua