Anila Pera
Ref# WPG0003

About Me
My name is Anila Pera. I'm a 44-year-old.

My birthday is
August 19, 1980.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type

Persons In Need

My Story

Hello! My name is Anila Pera. I am 44 years old, and my birthday is on August 19th. I have health problems, I can’t hear or speak. I have had the problems since my birth at 7 months because the incubator was too warm. I live with my mother who takes care of me. My mother doesn’t have a job. We live in Pogradec, and our economical situation is poor. My father has died. I have a sister who is married. My favorite color is red. I help my mother with the housework and wash the clothes by hand. In my free time I like to watch cartoons and Comedy movies.

My mother and I are both registered in the sponsorship program Adopt a Child as people in need. We both attend the Pogradec church regularly. The church services take place every Sunday.

All the widows and people in need who are part of the program are benefiting help spiritually and physically. We receive a food package that contains groceries that are so needed, as oil, rice, pasta, sugar etc. These groceries can be cooked at home and serve for ten to twelve meals for the whole family. Thank you very much for taking care of us spiritually and practically.

May God bless you richly!

Edited by Carrie Gipson 

Missionary, Adopt a Child Albania