Persons In Need
Hello! My name is Kristina Piperi. I am 20 years old and my birthday is on June 9th. I have been diagnosed with autism and for this reason, I am classified as a person with different abilities. I also suffer from epilepsy and have seizures from time to time. I have visits wth the doctors every time they appoint me to be seen from them. Because I am disabled, the government has given to my family an invalid pension so that my mother can stay at home to care for me. My mother is not working and she is close to me every moment. In my town we have a special school for persons with autism and there they have specialist teachers and staff that care for us for a few hours. I enjoy going there for the first part of the day. This frees my mother to deal with what she needs to do in the house such as cooking, cleaning, washing our clothes, shopping etc. My favorite color is blue, the color of the sky. I like to play inside the house building small houses with the cubes that my mother has bought me. My family and I live in the town of Pogradec. My father has past away. We share our house with my aunt. There are five people in our family. I have two brothers as well as a sister. My sistrer and my mother are both registered in the program. My sister, my mother, and I frequent the church from time to time. I am a quiet child and sit there together with my mother while she joins the service. Sometimes my siblings care for me during the day so that my mother can get free time to rest or deal with things that need to be done around the house. We receive a pension that children with one parent receive as governmental social support. My invalid pension and the other social support are the only incomes that we have available to cover all the living costs, but our needs are many. We are thankful as family to the progrm of Adopt a Child, for the spiritual and physical care that are available to us. Thank you for your support and God bless you!
Edited by Carrie Gipson
Missionary, Adopt a Child Albania