Esmeralda Maxhari
Ref# WPG0010

About Me
My name is Esmeralda Maxhari. I'm a 45-year-old.

My birthday is
October 29, 1979.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type

Persons In Need

My Story

Hello! My name is Esmeralda Maxhari. I am 45 years old and my birthday is on 29th October. I was born in Osnat and live now in Pogradec. Speaking about my health, I have to take medicine. Because of my health situation I receive a monthly amount to cover some basic living costs. I have never been married. I am doing house work and some crafts, like embroidering. I live together with my parents and two brothers in an apartment in a house in the town. We rented this apartment. There we have 4 rooms.

I am attending regularly the church services on Sundays. The Living Water church in Pogradec has helped me physically and spiritually and I am very happy that I got registered in the sponsorship program. I am very thankful to you all who care for me and who supply my needs for food. I am receiving at the program a food package, which contains flour, oil, rice, sugar etc. and am very thankful to all of those who provide food for us who are in need and face hardships of any kind. God bless you!

Edited by Carrie Gipson

Missionary, Adopt a Child Abania