Juana Estefany Jimon Santiago
Ref# ZA4838

About Me
My name is Juana Estefany Jimon Santiago. I'm a 11-year-old.

My birthday is
August 16, 2013.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

I send you warm greetings hoping you are doing well wherever you are. I am Juana Estefany, and I feel blessed to be part of your life. I am in 3rd grade this year, and I am receiving classes in the morning. I help with the household chores on weekends. I love eating fried chicken at the feeding program, and I am grateful to you for blessing me with these lunches; I thank LW Ministries too. I enjoy the Christmas celebration at the program because the staff prepares beautiful choreographies for us.  

I would like to ask for your prayers for my family and our economy. My father works as a farmer and always does his best to cover our needs. My mother is a housewife, and she sometimes does the laundry of others to earn some money. They raise pigs for selling and improving the income. We do not have crops like other families because we cannot cover all the expenses that it brings. We are assured of our Salvation, and we are members of Prince of Peace Church. My mom helped me to give my information to the Evangelism team, and I hope you find it interesting.  

With much love 

Juana Estefany Jimon Santiago 

Translated by: Loyda de Osorio, AAC Secretary/Antigua