Nueva Esperanza
Chuchuca, where your child lives, is an area located high on the side of a mountain in the state of Quiché, Guatemala. Life in this area is very difficult and very isolated from the outside world. It is more than a two-hour walk to the nearest market town of Zacualpa. Chuchuca is a farming area where corn and black beans, the staple elements in their diet, are the major crops. The Quiché Indians who inhabit this area trace their ancestral roots to the ancient Mayan civilization. They normally speak an Indian dialect called Quiché - however, Spanish is becoming more common. Very little money ever changes hands in this area as they live on a barter system.
Hello! My name is Tereso Alexander Luis Benito. My birthdate is August 30, 2020, which makes me 4 years of age now. Since I am very young, I am not attending school yet. For now, I spend my time playing with my toy cars. I like rabbits and my favorite color is blue. I love to eat fried chicken. I live happily with my parents, two brothers and two sisters. My father´s name is Pedro Luis Ruiz. He works as a day laborer and a farmer. My mother´s name is Olivia Virginia Benito Portuguez. She usually does the chores at home and she also raises hens to sell and earn some money to cover some expenses at home.
By the grace of God, we are doing well. We are members of the Methodist Church. We live in my paternal grandmother’s house and we share our expenses with her. There are two rooms made of adobe with a tile roof and a dirt floor. We have a separate kitchen. There is running water and electricity; we pay for the services. What we need the most at home are corn and groceries. We usually walk one hour and a half to get to the feeding program and I go with my brothers and sisters. Thank you for reading my information. Every blessing for you!
Lots of love,
Tereso Alexander Luis Benito
Translated by: Magnolia de Torres / A-A-C Secretary-Antigua Guatemala