Chuchuca, where your child lives, is an area located high on the side of a mountain in the state of Quiché, Guatemala. Life in this area is very difficult and very isolated from the outside world. It is more than a two-hour walk to the nearest market town of Zacualpa. Chuchuca is a farming area where corn and black beans, the staple elements in their diet, are the major crops. The Quiché Indians who inhabit this area trace their ancestral roots to the ancient Mayan civilization. They normally speak an Indian dialect called Quiché - however, Spanish is becoming more common. Very little money ever changes hands in this area as they live on a barter system.
Hello! This is Eddy Angel Adolfo Rodriguez Gomez and I will share some information about me. I was born in Joyabaj, Guatemala on July 11, 2020 and I am 4 years old. Because of my young age, I do not attend school yet. For now, I spend my time playing soccer and toy cars with my brother. I love yellow and cows. I like to eat chicken soup. I live with my mother, my father and one brother. My brother´s name is Otoniel Moises Abraham Rodriguez Gomez. My father’s name is Ruben Rodriguez Gutierrez. He works as a day laborer and farmer. He also travels to the coast to cut cane for six months. My mother´s name is Estefana Gomez De La Cruz. She is a housewife. She also raises some hens to sell. We are members of the Pentecostal Prince of Peace Church.
We live in my maternal grandparent`s house and we share the expenses with them. My maternal uncles live there too. The house has two rooms and we use one of them. We have a separated kitchen. It is made of adobe walls, tin sheet roof and dirt floor. We don´t have running water and or electricity. We go bring water from the spring in jars. To light the house, we use a solar panel. At home we have some hens. My family and I have many needs such as groceries, clothes and shoes. I ask for your prayers that God will be our provider. My mother accompanies me to the feeding program, we walk around 30 minutes to get there. I am very happy to be part of the Living Water Ministry. Thank you very much for taking your time to read my letter.
Hugs and blessings,
Eddy Angel Adolfo Rodriguez Gomez
Translated by: Magnolia De Torres / A-A-C Secretary-Antigua Guatemala