Rusbin Gusman Garcia de la Cruz
Ref# PT0306

About Me
My name is Rusbin Gusman Garcia de la Cruz. I'm a 3-year-old.

My birthday is
May 16, 2021.
Attends Program

Pasojoc III

Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Pasojoc III, where your child lives, is located in an extremely remote area of the mountains in Quiche, Guatemala.  Life in this area is very difficult and very isolated from the outside world. It is a 3-hour walk to the nearest market town.  The people who inhabit the area are Quiche Mayans who can trace their ancestral roots to the ancient Mayan civilization.  They normally speak a Mayan dialect called Quiche, however, Spanish is becoming more common.  The climate is basically warm, but it can get very cold at night.  Houses in this area are typically constructed of adobe with tin sheet or tile roofs and dirt floors.  Pasojoc III is an area rich with natural resources.  It is a farming area where the inhabitants grow staples such as corn, beans and other types of vegetables.  Many families also raise domestic animals such as sheep, goats, cows and chickens.

Hello, my name is Rusbin Gusman Garcia de la Cruz. I was born on May 16, 2021 in Pasojoc III, Zacualpa Quiche and I am 4 years old. I am a healthy boy and I am not studying due to my young age. Green is my favorite color. I love rabbits and I like to eat fried chicken. I stay at home and I enjoy playing with water guns. I have one brother and two sisters. They are part of the Feeding Center and we go all together and walk only 5 minutes to get there. As a family, we attend the Catholic Church. My father`s name is Hector Garcia Riz. He left to go to the United States four years ago. Currently, he works in a dairy in order to send us financial support. Thankfully, my parents are in good health. I live under my mother`s care. Her name is Josefina de la Cruz de la Cruz. She is a housewife and she looks after us. In addition, she weaves typical items and sells some fruits at school from Monday to Friday. Moreover, she raises some hens at home.  As a humble family, our priority needs are groceries.

We live in our own house and my paternal grandmother lives with us. We have two rooms. The house is made of adobe, tin sheet and dirt floors with one separated kitchen made of wood boards. We do not have running water, so we get it from a nearby river by connecting a hose. We use candles at night because we do not have electricity. We would like to have some chicks because we have space in the house for them. I hope you enjoy reading my personal information. I send you all my love and warm wishes from the bottom of my heart!

Lots of love,

Rusbin Gusman Garcia de la Cruz

Translated by:  Gladys Chavez / A-A-C Secretary-Antigua