Yostin Neymar Chivalan Luis
Ref# PA2166

About Me
My name is Yostin Neymar Chivalan Luis. I'm a 4-year-old.

My birthday is
September 29, 2020.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Pasojoc is an area located high on the side of a mountain in the state of Quiche, Guatemala. Life in this area is very difficult and very isolated from the outside world. It is more than a two hour walk to the nearest market town of Zacualpa. Pasojoc is a farming area where corn and black beans, the staple elements in their diet, are the major corps. The Quiche Mayans who inhabit this area trace their ancestral roots to the ancient Mayan civilization. They normally speak a Mayan dialect called Quiche - however, Spanish is becoming more common. Very little money ever changes hands in this area as they live on a barter system. 

What a blessing to be able to greet you by this means. I am so excited to let you know more about me. My name is Yostin Neymar Chivalan Luis; I was born on September 19, 2020. I am 4 years old, and I am not attending school yet. At home, I enjoy playing with toy cars; my favorite color is blue, I love eating fried chicken, and the animal I like the most is the rabbit. Thankfully, I am in good health. 

Now, I want to tell you about my family; my father is not with us since he traveled to the United States, but unfortunately, he was arrested by immigration, and he will be deported to Guatemala in August. Now, my mother is struggling to cover our basic needs by working very hard at home; she is raising hens to sell while my father returns home. Fortunately, we receive some corn from our relatives so we can eat, but it is only when they can. We need corn and groceries, and we pray to God for provision, and we trust that He will help us to go ahead. We are members of Spring of Life Church. I enjoy attending the feeding program with my sister Sheyla who is also registered at the feeding program; we walk about 30 minutes to arrive and our mother walks with us. We live in our own one-room house that is made of adobe and tin sheet walls, dirt floor and tin sheet roof. We get water from a well, and we share electricity with one of our relatives, and we help him to pay the bill; at home, we also have a dog as a pet. Before saying goodbye, I want you to know that my mother provided this information to the Evangelism team. Many blessings!

In Jesus Name,

Yostin Neymar Chivalan Luis


Translated by: Luisa Reyes de Solis, A-A-C Secretary/Antigua