Zacualpa is a small but busy village in a mountain valley. The village is inhabited by both Quiche Mayans and Ladinos (those with mixed European ancestry). The prevalent language is Spanish. Families in this village live in one or two room homes generally constructed of either wood or adobe. Although many of the people are farmers, the village contains several small specialized stores, a body repair shop for buses, mechanics, plumbers and many other small town tradesmen. It also has a large open air market which serves much of the area. Even with all of this, the poverty level is very high and the children are very needy.
I fondly greet you, hoping in God that you are doing well. My name is Fulvia Nayeli Anahi Castro Martinez and I was born on January 8, 2020. I am 5 years old and fortunately, I am in good health. I enjoy playing with my dolls when I come back from school. I am in pre-kinder. My favorite color is pink, I love cats, and my favorite food is spaghetti. I am glad because I have a lovely family. I only have one brother. Jorge Francisco Castro De La Cruz is my father’s name. He is a doctor and has a few businesses to support our family with his income. Fulvia Marisol Martinez Argueta de Castro is my mother. She is also a doctor and does her best to help my father with the expenses at home. We trust in God and attend the Catholic Church.
We live in house that belongs to my parents. It is made of bricks with a concrete roof, and ceramic floors. It has four rooms, a separate kitchen, electricity, and a well. We do not raise domestic animals because of a lack of space at home. My parents do their best to provide my brother and me with our needs. However, it has been a little complicated for them, so I ask you to pray for us. Our priorities are groceries. I am so happy because I am already part of LW-Adopt a Child. My brother and I usually walk ten minutes from our house to get to the feeding program. Thank you so much for having read my letter! I leave you now, but I hope to hear from you soon.
Many kisses and hugs,
Fulvia Nayeli Anahi Castro Martinez
Translated by: Hillary Popol, AAC Secretary / Antigua Guatemala