Tunajá is a very primitive area of the state of Quiché, Guatemala. The inhabitants are Quiché Indians who trace their ancestral roots to the ancient Mayan civilization. The prevalent language is the Indian dialect - Quiché. The people are either farmers or shepherds and live off the fruits of their laborers. Very little money ever changes hands as they use a barter system. Public education is available - however, most families cannot afford it. Electricity and running water are not available in most of the area. Life in Tunajá is extremely difficult.
Hello, I am Santos Bernardo Gabriel Chingo Morente. It is a pleasure for me to share a little of my life with you. I am a healthy 8-year-old boy. I was born in Quiche on October 11, 2017. I like painting in my free time. I am a fist grade student. Red is my favorite color. I love eating fried chicken. My favorite animal is the cow. I like attending the feeding program and my mother and I walk for 15 minutes to get there.
Sadly, my father abandoned my mother when she was 5 months pregnant, so he did not legally recognize me. We have not received any economic benefits from him. My mother´s name is Maria Ancelma Chingo Morente. She has been taking care of me and supporting my needs. She earns a living by washing clothes for her neighbors twice a week. That is why I would like to ask for your prayers for her because she has been suffering from pain in her arms. Maybe that is because of her work. I pray for God to heal her. We attend the Catholic Church. We have needs like many other families, but our biggest ones are corn and groceries.
We live with one uncle and maternal grandmother in our own house. It is made of adobe, tile roof and cemented floor. There are three rooms, and we use only two and a separate kitchen. We have the main services like running water and electricity. We share the expense with my uncle and grandmother. We have some chickens and cows as domestic animals. I appreciate your interest in reading this about me. Thank you so much for loving me. I send my best wishes to your family and you.
Sending you lots of love,
Santos Bernardo Gabriel Chingo Morente
Translated by: Mireya de Sandoval, AAC Secretary / Antigua