Milan Gabriel Chingo Gomez
Ref# ZA4989

About Me
My name is Milan Gabriel Chingo Gomez. I'm a 9-year-old.

My birthday is
July 24, 2015.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Zacualpa is a small but busy village in a mountain valley. The village is inhabited by both Quiche Mayans and Ladinos (those with mixed European ancestry). The prevalent language is Spanish. Families in this village live in one or two room homes generally constructed of either wood or adobe. Although many of the people are farmers, the village contains several small specialized stores, a body repair shop for buses, mechanics, plumbers and many other small town tradesmen. It also has a large open air market which serves much of the area. Even with all of this, the poverty level is very high and the children are very needy.

Hello! My full name is Milan Gabriel Chingo Gomez and I want to share my information with you. I was born on July 24, 2015. Fortunately, I am a healthy 9-year-old boy. I am in fourth grade and my favorite color is blue. My favorite pastime is playing on my phone. I love having rice on my meals and my favorite animals are the lion and the rabbit. The people who I live with are my mom and siblings. I have two brothers and one sister. We are members of a Christian Church. My mother’s name is Estela Micaela Gomez Jimon. She makes a living by selling chicken at the market to support our family. She usually takes my siblings and me with her. My father’s name is Camilo Chingo de la Cruz. Sadly, his marital relationship with my mom is unstable because he leaves our house for short periods, but after a while, he comes back. He does not help us economically.

My family and I live in a rented house, so we pay Q800=$103.78 monthly. It is made of concrete blocks with a concrete roof and a ceramic floor. It has three rooms, a separate kitchen, electricity, and running water. I beg you to pray for my family and our needs. Our priorities are clothes and food. The feeding program is about 30 minutes from where I live. To get there, we take a minibus. I say goodbye to you now, but I send you many blessings.

In the name of Jesus,

Milan Gabriel Chingo Gomez

Translated by: Hillary Popol, AAC Secretary / Antigua Guatemala