Jonatan Josue Lopez Mazate
Ref# JT2406

About Me
My name is Jonatan Josue Lopez Mazate. I'm a 15-year-old.

My birthday is
April 5, 2009.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello, I greet you in the name of Jesus hoping you are doing great! I am Jonatan Josue Lopez Mazate. I recently turned 15 years old. This year I am repeating 7th grade at school; I receive my classes on the morning shift. I spend my weekends by playing with siblings and I also practice boxing. As you already know my father has died, and we still miss him at home. My mother now is working as a cook in a restaurant in a village called “El Hato” and she is the one who supports our family. We have three dogs as pets.

I like to participate in the Christmas activity that Living Water team prepares; at the end I receive a gift. I am so blessed to receive tasty meals in the feeding program and the meal I love the most is “Pepian” (a typical dish). For now, we do not attend any church; we appreciate the kind words that the evangelism teacher gave us to encourage us to look for a church. I want to ask for your prayers for the well-being and provision of my family. Let me tell you I gave this information to the evangelism team to share news with you about me. I say goodbye to you for now. Every kind of blessing over you!

Hugs with much love,

Jonatan Josue Lopez Mazate

Translated by: Violeta Hernandez / A-A-C Secretary-Antigua Guatemala