Selena Garcia Simaj
Ref# ZA3879

About Me
My name is Selena Garcia Simaj. I'm a 17-year-old.

My birthday is
February 1, 2008.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! I am so happy to write to you once again. I am Selena Garcia Simaj, and I want to start by saying thanks to you for all your efforts to help me through Living Water. It has been a great blessing to my life and family because I always receive medicine and medical care for free. I enjoy attending the feeding program especially eating the meat patties. Besides that, I always receive a special gift for Christmas. My family continues attending the Methodist Church. My father Domingo is currently working as a day laborer and farmer to sustain our family. My mother Manuela is a housewife and takes care of us. She still sells homemade food in the local plaza on Thursdays and Sundays to earn some extra money. Thank God, both are in good health.

I am 16 years old. I am no longer at school. I normally stay at home and help my mother in the house and with the selling. Fortunately, my health is good now. We do not have any domestic animals because we do not have enough space to raise them. We only have our own corn crops for our consumption. I know that you always pray for my family and me, but this time I would like to take the opportunity to ask for your prayers for our health and provision for my family. Lastly, let me tell you that my mother gave the information to the evangelism team for you. Thank you so much for always being aware of us. Please say hello to your family in my name. I look forward to writing to you soon.

Many blessings and hugs,

Selena Garcia Simaj

Translated by: Mireya de Sandoval, AAC Secretary / Antigua