Hello, my name is Sheila Rufina Morales Ordonez. It is a pleasure to greet you again. I hope you and your loved ones are doing well. Thank God, my family and I are well. My mother’s name is Maria Ordonez Quino. She stays home as a housewife. She also raises chickens to sell so she can help the family economically. My father’s name is Tomas Morales Sicajau. He is a farmer, and he works hard to always support my family. Unfortunately, he is suffering with problems with his eyes. They are burning and causing him pain, but he is being treated for this. He has medicated eye drops that help with the burn. At home, we also grow corn for our family’s use. As for me, I am in good health. I am 15 years old now, and I have completed 9th grade this year. I go to school in the mornings and after school, I go home to help with the chores and housework. I love going to the feeding program each week.
My favorite meal there is the fried chicken. We have been greatly blessed by Living Water through these meals. The Christmas celebration is also a huge blessing. My favorite thing about the Christmas celebration is the dances we do. As a family, we attend the Assembly of God Church. Praise God, my mother is a very strong believer. She is sure of her salvation. This is a huge blessing. I want to thank you for taking the time to read my updated information today. I hope you will keep my family in your prayers, especially the health of my father. I send you much love and wish you many blessings in Jesus’ name.
Big hugs and many kisses,
Sheila Rufina Morales Ordonez
Translated by: Olivia Gallardo / Missionary Internship – Guatemala