Sidorela Leka
Ref# PP0002

About Me
My name is Sidorela Leka. I'm a 20-year-old.

My birthday is
November 25, 2004.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! My name is Sidorela Leka. I am 20 years old and my birthday is on November 25th. I am doing well and in good health. My favorite color is black and my future dream is to become a dentist. My hobby is reading. I like to spend time to get together with my friends so that we can talk and fellowshp for a few hours. I also help my mother with the housekeeping. I do cleaning and cooking together with her.

My family and I live in Proptisht. I have in my family my father, mother as well as a sister. My sister is going to school and she is also regisrered in the sponsorship program. My father and mother own land in the village and we deal with agriculture. They try to plant crops and vegetables for family consumption so that we can buy less groceries in the shop. My father is also emigratiing in Greece for a season of two during the year so that he can provide more income for our family. The only inocme that our family has to supply our livng needs is the income that the father is raising through his emigrating work. Same as the majority of the families who live in Proptisht, my family is poor and financially challenged. I am frequenting the churhc of Proptisht during the two days that the church has activities and I am receive a package of groceries provided for me through the Adopt a Child progarm. Thank you for your generosity and care. God bless you!

Edited by Carrie Gipson

Missionary, Adopt a Child Albania