Hello! My name is Amelia Karaj. I am 18 years old and my birthday is on July 12th. I am doing well and enjoy good health. My favorite color is black and my future dream is to be an advocate. I like to listen to songs and sing them myself. I am in high school. I enjoyed studying all the subjects but my favorite one is English. After school, my friends and I meet to walk and have fellowship. Sometimes we choose to play volleyball and I enjoy this game quite a lot. Now we are in the season of winter and I spend many hours inside the house. I like to help my mother with the cleaning or wash the dishes for her after she cooks for us. We have usual walks during the evenings and I enjoy getting out from home and walk together with my mother or with my close friends.
My family and I live in Elbasan. I have two sisters and one brother. My brother is also in the program and so we both benefit from the help and care from the church of Adopt a Child in Elbasan. My parents work when they can to cover our family needs. I help with the housework when I can. We have been able to plant some vegetables to provide for our family. We are considered very poor and the government is treating our family with a small amount which is differently considered social assistance. This amount is only used to pay the bills of water and electricity and we depend on what my father can bring home, whenever he is hired somewhere. I am very thankful together with the other persons in my family for the food packages that I receive at the church. I go to church every Sunday with my mother and brother and I am very happy to receive the food packages provided from the Adopt a Child every. Thank you and God bless you.
Updated by Carrie Gipson
Missionary, Adopt a Child Albania