Henejda Karaj
Ref# EL0063

About Me
My name is Henejda Karaj. I'm a 20-year-old.

My birthday is
July 12, 2004.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! My name is Henejda Karaj. I am a 20 years old girl and my birthday is on July 12th.  I am doing well and enjoy good health. My favorite color is white. I like this color because it shoes purity. My future dream is to be a choreographer. I like dancing and see myself as a future choreographer. I help my mother when she is doing the cooking and the cleaning for us and during the evenings I like to get together with my friends. We like to have walks around the town and in rare cases we sit in a cafe to enjoy a fresh drink. All the people in my town enjoy walking during the evenings. We have in the town a park and at times my friends and I go there.

My family and I live in Elbasan, My father’s name is Selim and my mother’s name is Shpresa. I have a brother and two sisters. My brother’s name is Flavio. My sisters are Amelia and Adelajda. My parents are both jobless and for this reason the income in my family is very low. My father tries to work and whenever he finds a job we have a bit more of income that is used to cover our family needs. My mother stays at home doing the housekeeping, cleaning, cooking and she is also carring for us while we go to school. My brother Flavio and my sister Amelia are both registered in the program and the three of us benefit help and care from the church of Adopt a Child in Elbasan.  

We have weekly meetings at our church and Adopt a Child program. My family and I attend when we can. We receive our package of food at the church.and are constantly frequenting the church meetings to be fed physically and spiritually with the Word of God.

Edited by Carrie Gipson

Missionary, Adopt a Child Albania