Kozeta Alliu
Ref# WKA0020

About Me
My name is Kozeta Alliu. I'm a 34-year-old.

My birthday is
March 24, 1990.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! My name is Kozeta Alliu. I am 34 years old and my birthday is on March 24th. I have been married and I have one daughter. My husband treated me very bad, and as a result of it, I got paralyzed. I am divorced. I live now in a village close to Katjel in a rented home, together with my father and my daughter. Because I am paralyzed, I get a social assistance.

In my family we are 3 people. I live with my father and my daughter. My daughter, even she is still a child, takes care of me. In the past, I was a housewife.  

We don’t grow anything, and we don’t have any livestock, so we can’t sell anything.

The Living Water Adopt a Child team has many meetings during the week at our church center in Katjel. The church service in Katjel is every Saturday. 

I am very thankful to the Adopt a Child sponsorship program and to the church in Katjel for their help. I receive a food package containing groceries as oil, flour, rice, etc. I am thankful to you for your support and care for me. God bless you!

Edited by Carrie Gipson

Missionary, Adopt A Child Albania