Hello, it is my pleasure to greet you in this opportunity hoping our Lord is blessing you! I am Astrid Faviola Rodriguez Coj. I am an 11-year-old girl. At school, I attend 5th grade and I take my classes in the morning. I like to do my homework. On weekends, I try to help my grandma as much as I can with the work at home. My father is not in my life because he abandoned us some years ago. So, my mother struggles to supply the home needs; she works in a tortilla shop in Guatemala City. Thankfully, she sends un monthly support. Since my mother works far away, my siblings and I are under my grandma´s care; she administrates the resources that my mother sends to us. My grandma is a housewife and raises some hens, and she sells them when we have some need.
The house where we live belongs to a neighbor, and fortunately, we do not pay for rent. Additionally, my mother rents a piece of land to cultivate corn and the yearly payment is only Q100.00. My siblings and I are blessed to receive food and medical care in the program, so we are very thankful for it. When I get sick, I receive my medicines in the LW clinics. At Christmas, Living Water prepares a special activity for children, I like the carols. I love all meals from the program because they are delicious. We are not attending any church; we appreciate that the evangelism teacher shared the gospel with us and invited us to look for a church to attend. This time I want you to remember my siblings and me in your prayers for our health and also for my mother. This time my grandma gave this information to the evangelism staff to share news with you about me. Thank you for being interested in my information. Many blessings!
Lots of love,
Astrid Faviola Rodriguez Coj
Translated by: Violeta Hernandez / A-A-C Secretary-Antigua Guatemala