Persons In Need
Hello! This is Monica Alejandra Marroquin Estrada, and I am writing this letter to tell you about my life. I was born on November 13, 1977, so I am now 46 years old. I never got married so I do not have children. It is difficult for me to find a job due to my health problems. I had a problem in February last year, and since that time, I suffer from strong headaches. I have to take medicine to feel better, but I do not have the resources to buy it. In 2016, I was studying sign language, and I was doing my internship in a hospital when I suffered an accident from carrying a patient. I went to a public hospital and doctors put an immobilizer in my left knee since I had a fracture in it. Unfortunately, it did not work for me, and I no longer receive therapies. Now, I still have problems in my knee, and I have to use a cane for walking.
I have always lived with my father since I am his only child and my mother passed away when I was 6 years old. I cannot fend for myself because of what I have explained to you before, so my father has to cover our needs. He is 71 years old and people do not hire him due to his old age; so, he asks for help on the streets. We buy food on credit in a store when we do not have money, but we always pay when we can get some resources. We are a very humble family, and we are always in need of groceries and medicine. We ask God us to help us to go ahead. We attend the Catholic Church.
My father and I live in my paternal uncles’ house. Their house has six rooms, and it is made of concrete block with a tin sheet roof and cement floor; it has running water and electricity, and they pay these bills. We use two rooms, and when we need to cook, my uncles lend us their stove and kitchen. Sometimes, they bless us with a plate of food. I am happy to be part of the feeding program, and I walk for 25 minutes to arrive there. I say goodbye for now hoping you find my information interesting. May God bless you!
Cordially yours
Monica Alejandra Marroquin Estrada
Written by: Loyda de Osorio, AAC Secretary/Antigua