Jeimmy Fabiola Morente Garcia
Ref# TU3237

About Me
My name is Jeimmy Fabiola Morente Garcia. I'm a 9-year-old.

My birthday is
September 19, 2015.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Tunajá is a very primitive area of the state of Quiché, Guatemala.  The inhabitants are Quiché Indians who trace their ancestral roots to the ancient Mayan civilization.  The prevalent language is the Indian dialect - Quiché.  The people are either farmers or shepherds and live off the fruits of their laborers. Very little money ever changes hands as they use a barter system.  Public education is available - however, most families cannot afford it.  Electricity and running water are not available in most of the area.  Life in Tunajá is extremely difficult.


Many blessings to you! I feel so excited to start by telling you about me. My name is Jeimmy Fabiola Morente Garcia. I live happily with my family in a humble house that belongs to my parents. It is a two-room house made of adobe, tin sheet roof and dirt floor. There is running water and electricity that my parents pay for every time. Our domestic animals are chickens. Like many other families, our greatest necessity is food.


My father´s name is Ciriaco Morente Ajqui, and my mother´s is Zoila Garcia Toj. My father earns a living as a farmer. However, he was recently operated on a month ago for a hernia in his abdomen, so he is not working currently. He will continue working after his recovery. Meanwhile, my mother works by selling vegetables and fruits in the local market to cover our needs. We attend the Prince of Peace Church.


I am an only child. I was born on September 19, 2015. I am 10 years old. Thank God, my health is good. I am in the 3rd grade at school. I like pink. I love eating noodles and pizza. In my free time I like riding a bicycle. I attend the feeding program, and I usually walk alone for 15 or 20 minutes to get there. Well, I send my best wishes to your family and you. Take care!


Many blessings and hugs,

Jeimmy Fabiola Morente Garcia


Translated by: Mireya de Sandoval, AAC Secretary / Antigua